Real Spelling Resources (Not available through us -- contact Real Spelling)
I have long pointed out that the 70 Word Matrices disk is a perfect complement to our teacher resource book which builds so much on the teaching tool of the morphological word matrix. Click the image below to watch a tutorial clip describing how this DVD works.
Click image above for a tutorial clip describing the content of this DVD.
Email Pete and Sus to order a copy.
Our book offers teachers and tutors sequences of lessons that model investigating how the written word works, along with background information and resources to encourage teachers to develop their own lessons. Real Spelling resources don’t offer specific lessons, but they offer the background knowledge that informed the lessons in my book and which can inform your own understanding and teaching of the written word.
LEX Grapheme Cards (Not available through us -- contact Gina Cooke)
The LEX Grapheme Cards are a tool for the study of the orderly nature of English orthography. Based on linguistic research, they provide an inventory of graphemes in present-day English, and the phonemes and overlapping allophones they spell. This inventory is useful in word study, to help determine the grapho-phonemic correspondences within a given word or morpheme, and to demonstrate etymological connections. The card deck is also intended to provide meaningful study of the International Phonetic Alphabet for English phonology. Some language educators may find the deck useful for teaching and drills.
The deck is organized into three parts:
• Single vowel and consonant graphemes (+ <qu>)
• Consonant digraphs and trigraphs
• Vowel digraphs and trigraphs
The deck also includes 4 blank cards for notes and dividers.
Contact Gina Cooke at or through her excellent blog LEX (Linguist-Educator Exchange) to inquire about ordering this excellent resource.
Revised WordWorks Book! $25
Email Pete and Sus to order or inquire about buying a copy.
The video above walks you through the earlier version of this resource. Although this video shows the original version, it gives a good idea of what is in the revised book. For more on this and our other book, click here.
Copyright Susan and Peter Bowers 2008